About Us

About Us

This blog is unapologetically by and for betrayed partners.  Your broken heart is welcome here.  Unlike many blogs and websites, this site, instead of being created by a professional who is treating sex addicts and their partners, is instead created by betrayed partners who are currently on their healing journey.  We are walking this road with you, maybe just two steps ahead.  We will share what worked, what didn’t, and everything in between.  Maybe we can put a smile on your face for a moment and/or give you a little piece of something that will make this road more tolerable or share a story that resonates with your aching soul.  So grab a cup of coffee or tea, or even a glass of wine, pull up a chair, and absorb a little piece of our hearts to help heal your heart.

Pastors, recovering unfaithful spouses, and treatment professionals also reading along in an effort to grow and serve devastated couples, we are honored to be on this healing path with you.

We will be sharing from a Christian faith perspective, but welcome all souls who need a soft place to land while looking for answers in this crazy, confusing land of sexual addiction and betrayal. On this site, we will be using the pronouns corresponding to a female betrayed partner and a male addict. If that’s not your situation, we hope this doesn’t keep you from sticking around. We are glad you’re here.

S. Heart

When I knew I had to give a bio, I thought long and hard about what I truly believed about myself. What I knew about myself before—before I knew the real truth about the man I was married to— because that person that I was felt she had lost herself in August 2018, after 32.5 years of marriage, but she had actually been losing herself for decades and didn’t realize or understand it.

Who am I?  Who was I?

Married 34 1/2 years. Mother of three grown children and grandmother to two.

Military spouse for 26 years. (Retired 10+ years).

Homeschool mother for over 25 years.

Lover of nature, gardening, animals, avid quilter and creator, reader.

Super procrastinator in making decisions about my future.

Daughter of God. I know He holds my future, but there was a time (and still some days) that I have so much anger towards Him.  I’m thankful He allows me my emotions.

A giver, naive at best, believed the best and always looked for the good in everyone.  I truly lived “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”… that was my before.  Now, I’m still a giver, but am very particular of those I give to, no longer naive or trusting, still trying to find the good and best in everyone, but I’m very guarded with my heart.

I am unsure that I want to or will remain in this marriage.  My spouse betrayed, lied, and deceived me our entire marriage through p*rnography, infidelity, and other betrayal behaviors. 

I hope I will help others through writing about my betrayal story, and I hope by sharing, it will help me move through this terrible emptiness and pain into a new day, a new life, with or without my spouse.

Jane Dough

– Extroverted enneagram 7

– Uncertified psychology/brain geek for many years (before I needed to be)

– Married in the 1990s. I was a very happily-married homeschool mom for over two decades before D-day, which was April 2018

– Southern-belle hostess married to a quiet thinking type with a strong work ethic

– Recovering optimist 

– Spiritual gift: encouragement

– Favorite self care activities: walks, yoga, a day with no plans, almond-milk lattes

– Absolute podcast junkie

– Core values: warmth, collaboration, family, truth

– Jesus knows me, this I love